Saturday, March 28, 2009

Playing a Hunch

Journal Entry: Body Weight = 178.2 lbs; Found Money = $.70, 20 pennies, 3 nickels, 1 dime 1 quarter. The amount included .13 from a residual walk from yesterday; glass bottles retrieved = 6.

Feature Entry: The more time the MoneyWalker spends on the asphalt, the more insight is gained about where and how people lose money. Sometimes a new insight leads to a "playing a hunch." Today was such a day. Smart money walkers avoid rigid following of routines. For example, one of my end points is a large metro bus turn-around. Several newspaper stands, a pay phone, frequent bus arrivals, and bus benches make this a "hot spot" for money finds. It is about 30 minutes out from my home.

My return route is very predicable. From the bus station, to a convenience store, and then curb walking to a Burger King goes the route. There, the search includes a quick check of the drive through, the pay phone, the newspaper vending machine, and a scanning of the parking lot. Then onward to a Delgado Community College parking lot and across the street to USA Today and Times Picayune Newspaper stands for a quick look for coins carelessly left in the money returns.

Then a hunch! This morning, I notice a change, it is Saturday, there is no temporary fruit stand just down from the newspaper stands. The fruit vendor has broken camp. I played the hunch, walking with more visual attention than usual, I surveyed the curbed area where he usually sets up shop. At first nothing, then a nickel, then another nickel, then a penny, a second penny, and yet a third nickel all slyly blending into background of leaves and debris but waiting to be found. Playing a hunch yielding the MoneyWalker .17 cents of pure fun. Playing hunches is an important aspect of the MoneyWalker's overall strategy in finding money.



  1. Hunches that paid off and have now become regulars spots:
    High school parking lots after football games.
    Pizza joints the morning after holiday.
    Far corner of the 7-11 parking lot.

  2. You are right, all of my current "hot spots" were once hunches. When I first started, I checked only the curbs in my neighborhood for lost coins. Over time, I learned to check places such as newspaper vending machines and pay telephones. Now hunch driven locations are rare.
