Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Out of the Easy Chair, a Testimonial

The MoneyWalker introduces a new feature, the MoneyWalker testimonial. This one is from Oriole Adams of Detroit and was found on Ask Meta Filter

"My dad survived a heart attack and bypass surgery when he was in his 70s, but still was reluctant to get out of his easy chair. My mom got the wake-up call from his illnesses and started walking daily without him, many times accompanied by her sister. They'd venture out in different directions, covering more distance every day. What always enriched their walks, though, was finding money on the ground. Whether it be a penny or dime or sometimes a Canadian loonie (we're not far from the Detroit/Windsor border), they pick up every coin and make something of a game of it - "Who can find the most money?" Well, eventually Dad saw the coins accumulating in Mom's jar and asked, incredulously, "You're just finding this money on the street??" So he started walking with Mom every day and collecting coins. Sure, walking while hunched over looking at the ground isn't tops for his posture, but at least it gets him out of his chair for 30 minutes a day."
posted by Oriole Adams at 11:14 AM on October 2, 2008

If you have a testimonial to share, please contact me at bleason@uno.edu

The MoneyWalker

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