Monday, August 10, 2009

Stress Management Solutions

Journal Entry: Weight = 173.0; Coinage = $1.54 ($1.40 from morning walk) 29 pennies, 4 nickels, 4 dimes, 3 quarters; Glass bottles retrieved = 11, Ground Scores = 4 including a perfect designer golf shirt; Best coinage find = a curb quarter from an area that offered a high level of visual distraction, a miracle find.

Feature Entry: The MoneyWalker just returned from his annual pilgrimage visit to Houston, TX to watch the Houston Astros with his long time friend and exercise physiologist Mark Loftin. We will feature him in an interview later. These trips allow Mark and I to totally enjoy 48 hours of stress-free living. The three B’s--baseball, brisket, and a little booze--can do wonders. We also enjoyed Tex-Mex, long walks in Memorial park, and the Houston Museum of Fine Art. What a week-end. Astros won two out of three from the Brewers. Two pennies were the total find, but who cared, we were stress free.

About stress, Elizabeth Scott, M.S. writes for, a New York Times professional blog. has hundreds of topics including Scott’s blog on stress relief. One of her recent blogs was “Stress Relief in 5 Minutes or Less.” She listed several examples, two included “quick burst of exercise,” and “have a good laugh.” Loftin and I had tons of laughs and since he is a master with corny jokes, I will feature one that he might tell, a politically safe bar joke.

A three legged dog walked into a crowded bar in one of our Western states.
Bartender, “What can I do for you?”
Three legged dog, “I’m looking for the man that shot my Paw!”

Didn’t work for you, then consider taking a quick burst of exercise. Find a reason to leave your desk (or wherever) and walk five or ten minutes to conduct business in another location. It could be for any reason—deposit letters, see a colleague, pick up office supplies—anything that takes five or ten minutes. You can also walk up several flights of stairs or conduct a few push-ups. Careful with sweat stains, but these quick burst of exercise can be really great stress busters.

Uh Oh, I’ve just received a subtle reminder that we have company coming for an evening dinner and that chores have been promised to Ms. MoneyWalker. Why do I feel a need for a quick walk?



  1. Three Cs: chocolate, (diet) Coke and a camera.

    Oh, and coinage.

  2. Firstly, thanks for that insightful post.

    I see you have a "thing" for laughter, to the point of writing down a joke! Well, why not I share with you another way laughter helps?

    You see, when you laugh, you feel happy. But that's not the only thing. When you laugh, your body produces endorphins, or "natural pain killers".

    It's your body's natural way of relieving stress! Another way why "laughter is the best medicine".

    Isn't is a good thing you wrote down that joke? I got a little chuckle out of it myself!
    Keep the humor coming...

    For more information on stress relief, feel free to visit

    Best Regards,
