Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How to maintain weight loss

New Years is a great time to begin a walking program to lose weight. But how can you successfully keep unwanted weight from returning? Research has shown that people that have lost weight and keep it off have three practices in common. All eat breakfast, weigh every day, and exercise. So besides walking five days a week, I eat a healthy breakfast of cereal, fruit, and orange juice, and weigh each morning. Each morning, clothsless and emptied, just after waking, I weigh and enter into my MoneyWalker journal. My scales present read-outs in fractions of lbs. This morning it read 178.8. My goal is 175 and I try to avoid 180. Be aware that weight will vary due to factors other than weight loss or gain. Water retention is one example. Yet, I like the psychology of daily weighing. Why do all that walking only to let one donut undue all the effort? Scales are sensitive to eating binges. What follows is a recent entry to my MoneyWalker journal: "12/20/08, 179.0; 86 cents total find; .42 at Rally's drive through, .15 in TP/Entergy (Note: TP means Times Picayune Newspaper stand at Entergy Corporations regional office on my walk route); .11 from curb. Also found a working flashlight." In summary, to lose weight and keep it off, each day weigh, eat breakfast, exercise, and place results in daily journal.


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