Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Five Quarter Walk and A Selected Terminology for Money Walkers

Journal Entry: Weight = 172.8 lbs; Coinage = $1.98, 48 pennies (one wheat), 3 nickels, 1 dime, 5 quarters; Glass bottles = 4; Ground score = 1. Significant coinage find = five quarters in one walk, all unrelated is very unusual; one from a car wash vacuum canister, one from a car wash coin machine return, one from a newspaper vender coin return, one from the base of a pay telephone, and one from a curb scatter (one quarter, 2 nickels, 3 pennies).

Feature Entry: A Five Quarter Walk and A Selected Terminology for Money Walkers

What follows is a glossary of terms that defines where and how coins are found, the methods of how they are found, and other terms related to the process of finding money and other things of value while walking or jogging for exercise.

1. Coinage—all the money found on money walk.
2. “Curb coins”—a generic term meaning all coins found on a fitness walk except coins found in car wash vacuum canisters.
3. Curb coins—coins found along the curbs of city streets.
4. Base coins—coins found at the base of automatic machines such as pay telephones, newspaper vending machines, gate controlled pay parking lots, etc.
5. Drive-through coins—coins found at drive throughs of fast food establishments, banks and drug stores.
6. Vender coins—coins found in the coin return slots of newspaper and other types of automatic vending machines.
7. Phone coins—coins found in return slots of pay phones.
8. Canister coins—coins found in pay vacuum canisters at car washes.
9. Parking lot coins—coins found at parking lots such as grocery stores.
10. Crevice coins—coins found in cracks in asphalt and concrete surfaces.
11. Asphalt coins—embedded coins in asphalt pavement that must be “chiseled” out of the entrapment before retrieval.
12. Walk over coins—coins, usually along curbs, that have been “walked over” many times before being found.
13. Scabs—coins that have been driven over by cars and are filled with scabs and nicks or coins that have been exposed to the elements and contain evidence of corrosion.
14. Warped coins—abuse coins that are bent and must be straightened before coin counters will receive them.
15. Cross over coins—coins found while crossing from one side of the street to another and found outside of the curbed area.
16. Utility coins—coins found on walks to the grocery, bank, library, or other utilitarian purposes.
17. False positives—objects that initially look like a coin to the extent that the money walker is required to “break stride” for confirmation or rejection.
18. Wheats or wheaty—pennies that were coined between 1909 and 1959 and that feature wheat stems in the engraving.
19. International coins—coins found in the U.S. but that are from other countries.
20. Money spots—locations that repeatedly provide coinage for money walkers.
21. Hot spots—locations that repeatedly provide large amounts of money.
22. Super find—a find of $.50 or more in one location except for money found in car wash vacuum canisters and fast food drive throughs.
23. Scatter—a find of two or more coins in one location.
24. Grouping—a confined stretch of walking territory where two or more coins are found relative close together but appear to be independent losses.
25. Hunch finds—coinage found while following a hunch detour from an established walking route.
26. Passive income—any found money or money gained from selling or bartered ground scores.
27. Ground scores—items of value that have been lost or abandoned other than money.
28. Sidewalk coin--a coin found on a sidewalk.
29. Other
30. Other

Some of the above terms where borrowed from others that actively seek to find coins and other things of value while walking or jogging. The MoneyWalker invites additional terms that accurately define the kind of coins we find or the methods we use in finding them.


1 comment:

  1. Will the vocabulary test be multiple choice or true/false?

    Thanks for the chuckles. I'll add some more if I think of them.
